Upcoming Events
A RARE Treat for Perth Audiences...
Going Deeper into the Mystic...
A Course in Miracles deep dive retreat
with Frances & JP from the Living Miracles community in the US...
We're just so thrilled to announce an Australian tour
& they're coming to Perth
to host an intimate life altering 'practical' intensive with very limited numbers...
An unparalleled opportunity to pierce the veil of the dream of separation & open up to Spirit,
developing & strengthening a deeper connection beyond the perceived person,
directly with the One Self of Love...
Frances & JP will share profound teachings & facilitate experiential exercises including their
renowned 'expression sessions' to invoke the 'Miracle', the Peace that passeth understanding...
About Frances:
Frances has devoted her life to the practical application of the teachings of A Course in Miracles.
She has followed a deep calling, leaving behind worldly temptations and living a life of divine
providence guided by the Holy Spirit. This way of life is a practice of letting go of the “I know” mind,
and releasing the illusion of personal will and preferences. Frances has traveled the world extensively
with internationally renowned spiritual teacher David Hoffmeister, sharing wisdom from an
experience beyond all concepts. She has worked closely with groups and individuals on a daily basis,
offering clarity and insight into the practical steps that lead to lasting peace and true freedom.
This is an intensive retreat for earnest, willing & ready aspirants to journey beyond perception
into the unknown where Love lies waiting. To come face to face with the deeper realm of Being
where all is that is truly, deeply desired is revealed as present in Reality...
This event will commence on Friday evening May 19th,
run all day Saturday & conclude by lunch on Sunday the 21st...
This event will be held at the gorgeous sanctuary that is DaRawNature Studio Gallery in Fremantle...
The fee is $600 with meals & snacks included...
This event is nearly full, secure your seat for this unprecedented event by emailing office@drsallygray.com...