Truth is not something you can know about, it's not of the intellect. Truth is indisputable (kind of what you want in Truth right!?), incorruptible, unchangeable, permanent & of course provable!
The issue has always been that to KNOW something, you must be it & the entire history of the world of appearances has been the demonstration of UN-Truth, a mere play of opinions.
Well for Truth to be Truth, by very nature it must exist beyond opinions, beyond the lesser realm of persons & belief.
In the Bible, this untouchable 'place' of Truth is referred to as the Kingdom within. In exploring Consciousness you discover the tipping point where Truth is not something that can be known about, it is What I Am.
The Principle of Life It Self is the Truth that I Am.
The Truth is closer than you might think, just merely hidden by habituated view or deliberate lack of right attention. When you learn to look in the right place to discover the Self (ie What I Am), you'll realise you're just reacquainting yourself with an old (timeless actually) friend.
Have you ever noticed that there's a sense of 'me-ness' that's just there always. Regardless of the change of scenery in a 'day', there's a common denominator that NEVER changes. Just like on each apparent birthday, the number seems to change & part of you can't reconcile this because there's a sense within of changelessness, where aging just seems so hard to comprehend.
Let's take this contemplation deeper to really hone in on the Truth, "What I Am". Remember, the Truth is not something you can know about & following this reasoning, nothing you can know about (label, name, conceptualise or be aware of) can be What you are. What is it that seems to know?
You're the ONLY one there aren't you? What is THAT "I"? BE the student & scientist of your Self & you're are right on the trail of Truth, lining up with the Answer to end (Transcend) ALL questions.
Fortunately we have the Wisdom of the Masters who have walked before us & pointed to the Truth since the dawn of the dream of time. That which knows & what is being known are in fact one in the same.
If you've been walking the way of illumination for any length of time, here's where you will see liberation from the mind trap of personal hell. As always, the conundrum of separation hinges on the accepted idea (turned belief) in a personal self & all attempts to find the Truth have been from this erroneous impossible seat of misperception. That which is infinite cannot be known by a finite concept. In other words a concept (the belief in being a person, a someone), is just an idea & an idea can't have ideas now can it? That which is finite (personhood) cannot know the infinite.
BUT if you rest back in that which is Aware, rather than remaining distracted in that which has captured your attention, ie that which you are aware of, you'll make the discovery of the Greatest Treasure there has ever been.
What Am I is answered through the exploration of Consciousness, the mastery of discernment. When objects of awareness are removed, the Truth of Pristine Awareness in the Purity of Consciousness is illumined.
The golden rule is that everything of awareness is false. If you can name it that's NOT it! The objects of awareness are often referred to as phenomena. Don't be distracted, YOU are entirely incomparably more glorious & wonderful than anything (ANYTHING) you can be aware of. Turn around, look within & notice what is looking is YOU, the Real Infinite You that is the boundless Substance of God Consciousness. There is no matter AND something else called space in between. There is Only One, you're smack bang in the midst of Spirit (the Substance of Omnipresent God/Life right this very minute Beloved).
There is Only One Substance, everything is the same Substance & that Substance is indivisible. One is One BECAUSE it is all the same Substance; aka God (Life). When we're distracted & our attention is on the objects of Awareness rather than BEING Awareness we lose 'right' vision & our vision is impaired, corrupted if you will. That's why everything looks perpetually off & all attempts to make change are temporal or lacking. You're not a failure, you're just trying to 'fix' the wrong thing! The fix is already inherent & established IN Being Truth; ie Awareness in Pure Consciousness.
Pure Awareness is Being without & before the wandering of attention.
What Am I is answered in & by Supreme Greatness & Magnitude of Divine Proportions. At the end of the sifting process (removing the obstacles as Rumi told us) the luminescent Self simply shines without opposites, as the One & Only & All.
The Truth is just as the Bible was trying to teach us:
Now take the following words & say them very deliberately & slowly within, giving emphasis each time to different words. The change in emphasis will illuminate True Being for the ready ear:
"I Am God Being Self Aware."
Oneness is Truth in every possible way. NOT just an inner intellectual understanding to hold onto as you ride a wave of personhood, but a practical REAL experience of Heaven to claim now.
God is All; Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient & Omniactive. The attention paid to the senses has relegated the Truth of Being Infinite to the unseen & unremembered back seat. Unfortunately this is the false cause of everything unwanted in experience & FORTUNATELY You Already ARE the Resolution. There's never been a problem, YOU are the eternal unbreakable Divine solution!
There is a reason why the Enlightened Masters have spoken of 'Bliss', because it is the natural normal Reality of Being.
What I Am is what I experience, experience & Being are one in the same.
You don't realise that every single breath/experience is the answer to the question "What Am I" answered. What I see/experience is me. The answer has always appeared 'off' because what you are accepting your self to be is off if it is a person. To Know Truth you must Be Truth & Bliss can be KNOWN fast...if that's what is wanted! There is no 'me' in a world of things, there is only the One Omnipresent Substance of "I" Spirit.
"I" is the Gift of Life already given wholly & fully. Allow the Truth to reveal your invulnerable Spirit As One. You are FREE now, because you've never been bound, just looking through unverified erroneous assumptions. Remove the assumptions & Truth is ALL that remains.
We always get what we want, choose & value. Turns out we've been on a merry goose chase trying to find the very thing we actually already are, EVERYTHING!
The Truth is its own Teacher & Answer. YOU are What you've always been seeking, walk all the way to the One Self & THIS is the Holy Grail, the Greatest Discovery of ALL!
Know Thy Self & Heaven is the guarantee.
I get to be the decision maker, the decision is in reality a no brainer (literally it is essential to let go of knowing and not engage in thoughts). Staying in the light and focussing ALL attention on Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient & Omniactive truth is the immunity to the illusion! The freedom and liberation of settling into to trusting the exquisite laws of the universe, without a doubt, and the experience of expanding peace is the. The simplicity of either tuning in to the truth of existence aka Self or thinking life is the interference of static noise is a call to action to follow the clear and concise path!
Stop pretending to be something I’m not and Know the Truth by Being the Truth NOW - there is no other way which is great news! It’s right here now as me. I am found! It already is the whole of Me I just need to turn towards it with all of my being.