The Practice of Divinity IS Reality...
A Divine Reunion is for those ready to expand in Heaven's Reality; in Oneness...
JUST HOW Good Can Life Get Is The Only Question Worth Asking...
Because NO thing else is real, merely assumed, imagined, perceived through unquestioned limited 'eyes'...
Beyond the deception of personal appearances (maya) & physical body identification...
Beyond the dream of opposites, struggle, strife, suffering, lack, limitation & wanting...
A way of living few ever discover, One In Heavenly Co-Creation; aka Perfection!
A Life in aligned integrity with the ancient wisdom of judging not from appearances & taking no thought...
Magnificence, Truth, lies beyond personal perception & is available to ALL!
"The thinker must be greater than his thoughts; the manifestor must be higher than his manifestations;
you are above thoughts of any kind - above trouble, above disease,
above death, above the pairs of opposites.
The "I" or "Me" of the self is the Real Self, the Christ Self - pure, imperishable Spirit."
A Life of Sacred Reverence At Cause In Source...
Unleashing the Almighty Power of One Within in full recognition of Omnipresence...
FULL Alignment with the Peace that passeth mortal understanding...
Invulnerable, Incorruptible & Immovable in True Being...
No longer distracted by temporal trinkets & tribulations of the deceived personal mind under the spell
of separation, the getting mentality of those who dream of lack & limitation
& have fallen for mere sensory appearances...
There is a Higher 'way', a state of Consciousness above the good & bad,
above the right sense & the wrong sense,
above sickness & health,
above the high & the low...
This state of Consciousness is the risen Christ, True Vision, seeing All As One & One As All!
Beholding the Finished Kingdom Here & Now...
This is a Divine Invitation to Restore Wholeness, Completeness & Divine Fulfilment...
Living As the Limitless INFINITE Riches of the Kingdom of Heaven..
Pure Consciousness = True Abundance!

You ARE the Truth
You see no problems to be fixed, understanding that there is nothing to change beyond perception...
You are advanced on the journey of Awakening (ie walking in True Spiritual Identity beyond the delusion of person-hood) & want to walk far & fast down the straight & narrow path of Self-Realization. Short story you are called Higher than the mortal realm!
You may have studied Vedanta, ACIM, Buddhism & clearly recognize the limit of 'intellect'...
That which is finite (person-hood) can NEVER know the Infinite (Oneness Reality)...
You might know all there is to 'humanly' know & it all means nothing unless you experience Grace...
We're ALL about the experience of Being One in Conscious Practice...
Realization of Truth is impossible to mind or intellect & you WANT to live beyond concepts...
BEYOND the confinement of personal deception, in Pristine Divine Union, Allowing Genius!
You see through the veil of ignorance, have Peace beyond the need for forgiveness...
You're inspired & illuminated by the demonstrations of Pure Consciousness...
"You can do greater works than these" speaks directly to You...
Christ Consciousness, the Fullest Measure of Truth, is your Only Desire...
This is for you if you are devoted to walking in the Act of Commitment...
Commandments #1 & #2 are the 'way' that Lights You UP! (You know you need help!)
"I Am That I Am"!
You KNOW that the world One sees runs parallel with the degree of Self-Realization...
Experience is a precise & predictable match in Awareness of What "I" Is...
Experience simply follows Consciousness & Surrendering the True Identity is the ONLY Answer...
How GOOD (God) Can Life Get is the question we ask & prove in this community!
If you want 'company' to rise to the Highest Heights of True Identity in Grace,
KNOWING through experiential Being that "I" Am Everything & therefore
"All that the Father hath is mine",
this IS for YOU!
A Life of Real Service - Knowing Thy Self...
To KNOW the Truth is to experience the Finished Kingdom Here on Earth...
Join us for THE Year of Celebration - the Return of the Prodigal...

The Self which shines as the sun with the Heart is Real & All-pervading.
On diving deep upon the quest "Who am I & from whence?" thought disappears,
& Consciousness of Self flashes forth as I Am within the Heart.
This is Heaven, the abode of Bliss.
What is the use of knowing anything except the Self?
What else is the for anyone to know, when the Self Itself is known?
Having realized the Self, nothing remains to be known.
It is the All.

The Art Mastery Of True Prayer
Next year you are invited to the ULTIMATE 'Act of Devotion', to secure your Limitless Life in Joy...
This is a daily (7 days a week - @6am AWST - 44 weeks of the year), highly focused & supported journey of alignment
with the Vision of Christ in performing Divine Miracles, One with God...
In 2024 the landscape is Divinely altered, the Truth is realised & our Divine Inheritance is claimed...
We are no longer believing a fearful mind that it is entirely mistaken at the very core of identity,
AND we are beyond the job of discernment, seeing the false world as the nothingness it is.
Rather we're CLAIMING Reality, the One Divine Identity!
KNOWING through experience the Riches of the Kingdom of Heaven as "I AM".
For those going higher, take this as a call-to-action to UP-level your focus & PLAY Life Divinely...
Email office@drsallygray.com
$10,000 USD
Includes 44 weeks of 7 day a Week Fully Guided Live Sessions @6am AWST With Full Replays