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Writer's pictureDr Sally Gray Phd OMC

Spirit is Consciousness is Omnipresence is "I Am"...

Here at Exploring Consciousness CO we're all about simplifying & making straight & FAST Self Discovery; aka Spiritual Illumination.

The struggle of the vast majority of truth seekers can be overcome with an understanding of the Truth Principles to be applied which organically revealed God Consciousness.

The most vital Truth Principle to be understood, embraced & embodied is that of Consciousness.

In answering this question, the confusion of misperception & misidentification is more easily dissolved.

Consciousness might seem a bit abstract, a bit unusual & unknown, maybe a bit woo woo!? But here's the thing, you can't & don't live without it as the very epicentre & cause of your entire everything. It's like the gift you didn't realise you had that just keeps on giving without wanting anything in return.

As it turns out, when you do explore Consciousness, there is nothing else going on but Consciousness. Consciousness is the pervasive Omnipresence of Life. Another way to say that is that Life is Consciousness.

Yup! That seemingly intangible (turns out it actually is entirely tangible), invisible, unseen (but also entirely seen) aspect of experience that Is Consciousness, is the constant factor.

In Truth, you don't have Consciousness, you Are Consciousness.

Consciousness is evident in & as everything but its origin is located nowhere, now isn't that interesting!

It has only ever been an assumption that Consciousness exists 'in' &/or 'of' something, such as a human body. This can't be validated & yet here with are, we've got Consciousness & it turns out that what CAN be validated is that "I Am" Consciousness & "I" has nothing to do with a human body.

Consciousness is the domain of Spirit. Again, there is no human body that 'has' Spirit! Consciousness &/As/Is Spirit 'has' the appearance of a body.

There is in fact only One Consciousness & that is God Consciousness & you are the Consciousness of God. Oneness isn't a theory, is a verifiable Truth in the Only One Reality.

Our focus to Realise the Truth Self is the Conscious Awareness of Whole & Complete Consciousness; aka God Consciousness. It is within Consciousness, your Consciousness, right where you are right now. It's absolute the case that the Kingdom of Heaven is within!

Consciousness (being the Divine Ultimate Treasure Chest) is a now thing, the only thing you have in Truth. This makes accessing the fullest measure of God Consciousness an issue of Awareness & a right now thing, not dependent on time or processes, just Principle.

Know the Principles of Truth to Live, Breathe & BE the Truth of Absolute Fulfilment!

Getting clear about Consciousness is key to Self Realisation & KNOWING, HAVING the Riches of the Kingdom of Heaven.

May your Illumination be Joyous Beloved, it can not only be FAST but FUN!

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